Symposium on the History of Modern Mathematics

On the occasion of David E. Rowe's retirement, a three-day symposium will be held at the institute of mathematics:

David Rowe Symposium Banner

[Schedule] [Conference Poster] [Abstracts]

Date:May, 18-20, 2016
Venue:Institute of Mathematics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Staudinger Weg 9, 55099 Mainz
Organizer:Tilman Sauer (


Tom Archibald, Vancouver:“Halmos and Dieudonné on Integration and Measure: a controversy at mid-century on method and application”
June Barrow-Green, Milton Keynes:“ ‘knowledge gained by experience’: Olaus Henrici—engineer, geometer and maker of mathematical models”
Moritz Epple, Frankfurt:„The dynamics of weak knowledge: Another look at ‚Topologie’ and ‚analysis situs’ in the 19th century“
Tinne Kjeldsen, Copenhagen:„John von Neumann’s minimax theorem in the beginning of game theory and a dispute about its importance“
Jesper Lützen, Copenhagen:„Laurent Schwartz: Denmark, distributions and the Fields Medal“
Walter Purkert, Bonn:„Felix Hausdorff als Philosoph und Literat“
Volker Remmert, Wuppertal:„Mathematics and its history in Mainz: the early years“
Erhard Scholz, Wuppertal:“Cartan’s exchange between Einstein and E/F Cosserat (1921–23), or: Why translative curvature is known as torsion”
Marjorie Senechal, Northampton, MA:“Yesterday today”
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Kristiansand:„Adolf von Harnacks letzte Veröffentlichung 1930, eine Diskussion in der Zeitschrift ‚Die Koralle’ und eine unveröffentlichte Reaktion von Richard von Mises“
Klaus Volkert, Wuppertal:„Mathematics outside Göttingen: the case of Otto Wilhelm Fiedler“
Scott Walter, Nantes:„Science and technology in Göttingen’s golden era: the first Wolfskehl lectures“

We thank Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB/TR45, Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe H. Ruddat) and Institute of Mathematics, JGU Mainz, for financial support.

Photo David Rowe: Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.